Diving the Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Caves By Jeff Lindsay


Please join SFDI this coming Wednesday, October 6th , as we welcome Jeff Lindsay of Potomac, Maryland, who will speak about diving the Great Lakes shipwrecks and caves. We'll cover some of the stories behind specific shipwrecks and techniques that Jeff uses for imaging deep water wrecks and caves.

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About Jeff Lindsay
From Ontario, Canada
Rebreather / Expedition Trimix / Full Cave / Photographer / Cinematographer


Growing up on the Great Lakes fostered a natural curiosity of the unexplored for Jeff Lindsay; learning to dive in 1990 led to a lifelong desire to visit and photograph the unknown and forgotten. With an almost limitless number of shipwrecks nearby, a natural progression into technical diving was required for the more remote and deeper locations. Known for wide angle photography and varied lighting techniques. Attempting to capture the entire story in 'one shot' remains the elusive goal. He's been invited on numerous projects as team photographer and his biggest thrill is visiting a new wreck or cave for the first time and capturing some, small part of its essence in a photograph.