Wow! 2023 is nearly gone. Every year goes by more quickly than the previous one.

As usual we held the nominations for the E-Board at the November meeting. The nominations are still open! We will take nominations at the December meeting. All positions are open! If you feel someone should be nominated please nominate them. If you feel that you should be nominated then by all means nominate yourself or ask someone to nominate you. I encourage everyone to consider joining the E-Board. No experience is necessary however we do ask that E-Board members make an effort to attend meetings and actively participate and coordinate an event or two.

Our annual Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, December 2 at the VFW Yes, our usual venue is unavailable for us this year. We will hopefully be back there next year. This is our biggest event of the year and I hope to see many of you there. Please feel free to invite guests such as family and friends. They don’t have to be divers. They are pretty much guaranteed to have a fun evening. Great food, great live music, and great people are waiting for them. The more the merrier.

Our Holiday Party Christmas Tree will be sunk on Saturday, December 9th. We and the tree will board the Sea Experience at 8:30 am. We will place the tree on the deck of a ship wreck yet to be determined and proceed to decorate it with things that fish like to eat. When we are finished we will back off and watch the feeding frenzy. It makes a terrific photo and video opportunity. If you plan to join us, please bring something that fish will eat. What seems to work best is chunks of fish or squid rings. It should be something that you might put on a hook to catch a fish. Please use biodegradable string to attach it to the tree. Plain cotton string works fine. This is always a fun event.

Our Holiday Lights Cruise will be held on Sunday, December 17. Once again we will hold this event on the Sea Experience, docked at Bahia Mar. Please bring your beverage of choice and some finger food to share. Once again, feel free to bring guests. The boat will leave the dock promptly at 6 pm. The cost for this fun evening is $37 which includes tax and gratuity. We plan to be back on the dock before 9 pm.

As the year is coming to a close, please remember to renew your membership. Don’t forget that you must fill out a renewal form and sign the waivers and provide proof of insurance that will cover a dive injury. Please remember to update your information if you have moved, changed phone numbers or email addresses. You can download the renewal form from the club website.

I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a happy and healthy new year.

Live long and lobster.