Make new friends and dive buddies

  • A Buddy List of club members and contact information is distributed to members only. You never need to dive with a stranger again!

  • Connect with club members for monthly social events such as dinners at local restaurants, pub crawls, bike rides, hiking, fishing, camping, and many other adventures.

  • Attend special club events, including our Pig Roast, Seafood Fest, Beach Party, and our famous Holiday Party with live music and dancing.

Dive more for less

  • Buddy up with other members on local charter boats (at discount club rates) or private (member owned) boat dives.

  • Join discounted group trips to the Caribbean, Pacific or other exotic dive destinations.

  • Discounts at leading local dive shops and charter boats.

Become a better diver

  • Attend monthly club meetings featuring guest speakers talking on issues related to diving.